How to Get Involved

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Time & Talents

Interested in helping make St. Paul’s even better? We’d love the help! Take a look at our Boards. If there is an area you feel your talents can assist, please reach out and we can get your info to the nomination committee. You’ll be surprised how helping others may help yourself the most….more wisdom in our Lord’s command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Feel free to call or stop by either the church or school office, and let us know how you’d like to help.


We also rely on your support financially. Consider the payment options below. The Lord loves a cheerful giver!  

Recurring Auto-Pay

Please consider setting up an Automated Clearing House (ACH) contribution plan.  Donations can be automatically made from your bank account on the 3rd and/or 17th of the month. To enroll, please fill out the Auto-Pay Application Form.  

Online Donations

Can’t make it to Church this week? Have you moved out of the area but still want to support St. Paul’s mission to teach the Word of God in the Troy community? You can make donations online right now by the following options:

  • Venmo. Fee is 1.9%+$0.10.
  • Paypal. Recurring option. Fee is 2.89% + $.49.
  • Vanco. Recurring option. Fee is 1% by bank ACH or 2.9% by debit/credit card + .45.
  • Daffy. A donor advised fund facilitator that can allow you to give your appreciated assets without selling and incurring a taxable event. Fees range from $0-20/mo.
  • Bitcoin. Small transaction fees vary.
    • St. Paul’s River Referral Code (St. Paul’s will receive $100): J4J5QK2B

Mailed Donations

Another great option would be to set St. Paul’s up as a payee within your bank’s online Bill Pay. You could setup recurring checks to be mailed to the Church Office.

For recurring or one time mailings, please include your envelope number in the memo and send to:

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 
Attn: Financial Secretary 
112 N. Border St. 
Troy, IL 62294


We also appreciate those that wish to donate to the church in memory of those that have went before us. You can specify your gift as a Memorial and the family may wish to designate the funds to a certain cause. Our Memorial Policy can be found here.

Never miss an opportunity to give to Saint Paul’s Lutheran!

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 16:19-21