Saint Paul’s Youth Group
Youth group helps young people celebrate Jesus with their whole lives through spiritual, social and service activities. Our program offers opportunities for youth in grades 7-12. The major components of our youth ministry are: Bible Classes, service projects, social events, and special outreach events. We want youth to experience the love of Jesus, go away with a desire to reach out to others for Jesus, and have fun while doing it.

Confirmation is a time of spiritual growth in the life of the students. This means that they will come into a closer, more meaningful relationship with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Each year of study in school and home has lead them to this point. Now is the time for them to take all that they have learned and begin to process it into their own personal lives. They will learn what it means to be 1) a Christian, and 2) a Lutheran. In confirmation class they will come to know that it is important to know Jesus personally as their Savior. They will also learn that it is important to feed their faith regularly through worship, study and prayer. Confirmation is on Wednesdays from 4:00-5:00pm.